Monday, October 10, 2016

Magick with a K!

Some people spell magic as magick. I think this is cool. There are various reasons why people do this, and I also have my own.

So, I guess it started with Aleister Crowley using "magick" to distinguish between magic that is real and practical vs. magic that is, I guess, theoretical or "fake." I've heard other people use magick to mean the craft that is performed vs. magic that Hollywood puts out. (Side note: I've been a video editor for years, so I have great respect for "Hollywood magic" and editing in general, because I know there is real magic there!)

Why do I use magick with a K? Well, sometimes I do and sometimes I don't, but there are basically two reasons.

The first reason is that I just think it looks cooler. I think it adds that little extra touch, brings the word out of Muggle territory and into the realm of something that is actually powerful and real. It looks arcane and makes me feel nice and witchy, and I see nothing wrong with that!

The second reason is that the K just makes me think of Krishna. I want Krishna to be a part of every aspect of my life, my magickal practice included. I think it makes my personal practice very strong. It's just a little, tiny reminder, and something that probably would't apply to most other witches, but for me, it's special.