Friday, January 27, 2017

The Power of Pink

When I was younger, I rejected the color pink. I loved the color, but I told people I didn’t like it, and I wouldn’t wear it. It wasn’t my favorite color (that’s always been blue), but it was a color with deep emotional connection for me. I was afraid of pink because it meant an open heart, and mine had to be fiercely guarded.

I was a very sensitive and forgiving person. I was extremely loyal—even to people who did not deserve my loyalty. People used my open heart against me, bullying me and ridiculing me when I protested or fought back. They saw my gentleness as weakness, and I did not want to be perceived as weak. So I pushed the soft, gentle, and extremely powerful vibration of the color pink to deep within myself, where it was not exposed outwardly and where I could keep it safe.

It wasn’t until college that I made peace with the color, and decided I was through hiding what I loved and who I was. I discovered I felt powerful and confident when I wore it, and thus began my journey to healing myself and opening my heart again. Pink stopped being a color I associated with weakness. My pink eyeshadow made people look me in the eye and not dismiss me, my hot pink sweater said, "I am here and I'm not sorry." My pink pointe shoes made me feel graceful and invincible. It became a color I identified with strength and power, and I embraced it.

Over the last several months, certain crystals have come to me, all of them corresponding to the heart chakra. Some have been green, like my green aventurine, but overwhelmingly, it’s been raining rose quartz. Rose quartz has been pushing itself on me! I’ve ordered a few pieces, and with each piece, an extra piece has been thrown in as a gift, because “it wanted to come home” to me. Recently, I discovered strawberry quartz, which is like the calming power of rose quartz and the focus and energy of clear quartz. I associate this stone with Radha, because I know she loves strawberries (I always feel like she requests them), and she is the key to understanding true bhakti love.

Rose quartz has the power to gently heal, but it is very powerful for all it’s gentleness. I’ve come through a period of deep and extended healing and introspection, and it’s been just as I’ve had some bigger breakthroughs that this stone has come to me, to remind me that strength and power can be soothing and soft as well as fierce. I’d somehow lost my connection to my deep inner strength, and I feel like I’ve finally found it again. Self-love is the beginning of meaningful change in your life, and the deep, spiritual love that we seek is always, always there. Sometimes you have to be calm and receptive to feel it.

Recently, tensions in the world and in my country have come to a boiling point. Women feel threatened by current events, and the need for love and acceptance is very high. Groups have taken the color pink as a representation of their strength, beauty, fierceness, intelligence, and power. Women have taken a color that has been used socially to represent stereotypically sexist and damaging beliefs about women, and have reclaimed it. As scary as things sometimes seem, I am hopeful in the pervasive love this color vibrates.

“On Wednesdays we wear pink.”
It’s taken a long time for me to feel safe enough to uncover my heart chakra. I wouldn’t say it’s been blocked, but definitely guarded. I’m no longer in that space where I have to guard myself in that way. Heart chakra crystals, especially rose quartz, have been very helpful in allowing me to open myself and remember that I’m a strong, badass, magickal, peaceful warrior woman. Today is Friday, not Wednesday, but who cares. I will wear pink whenever I want now. It is the strength of the Goddess, Sri Radharani, and it opens hearts. <3

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