Saturday, August 13, 2016

Power and Control in Spellcraft

One of the underlying concepts of spell work in witchcraft is that you have some ability to control yourself or the forces around you to achieve some desired result.

One of the most important lessons in the Bhagavad-Gita is that individual souls — jivas — have limited power, and are not the Supreme Controller. However, most souls in the material world are trying to be supreme controllers.

So, how do I reconcile seemingly contradictory ideas into one practice?

First, I’ll start off by saying that I am completely, fully aware that I am not the Supreme Controller. When I was younger, I exhausted myself trying to control and change my situation, and finally drove myself to the point where I had no choice but to surrender. I could not control everything, I had very limited control. My control was limited mostly to how I reacted to things that are outside of my control.  I also finally realized that surrender is not the same as defeat, but the beginning of true victory. This realization was the start of my deeper spiritual practice. It was during this time that the desire to know who my deities were became the central focus of my spell work and meditations.

Now, I know clearly that Sri Krishna is the Supreme Controller of the Universe. So, where does that leave me and spell craft? How can I cast spells if I’m not in control?

Well, I was never in control before (just under the illusion of it), and it didn’t stop me from casting successful spells, so being “in control” is actually not a requirement for successful spell work. But not being in control does not mean I am powerless. In fact, I understand who really is in control, and that knowledge is very powerful.

I do have influence and control over myself and my mind. Through meditation, chanting, and listening, I know that my thoughts and choices and reactions are within my sphere of control. I believe the Law of Attraction is a real thing, because I’ve lived it. The difference with me and another practitioner of the Law of Attraction is that I understand that Krishna is the source of all things, so instead of putting my desires to the Universe, I go directly to the source. I ask Sri Sri Radha Krishna directly to help me achieve what I want to achieve. My spell work is largely prayer, with offerings of objects, food, candles, and most importantly, my intentions and love.

My relationship to God is one of surrender, but I’m also taking responsibility and action in that relationship. I don’t just ask for something and sit around until it happens. I put forth my energy and work with Them. And if something does not work out the way I wanted it to, then I’ve learned to not be upset about it, but instead to be thankful. I trust that Sri Sri Radha Krishna have my very best interest at heart, and since they have perfect knowledge and I don’t, if I ask for something and don’t get it, I trust that the thing I asked for was not in my best interest, and that there’s something better instead.

Getting to this place has taken a lot of spiritual growth and maturity, because the tendency is to pout or throw a tantrum when we don’t get what we want, especially when we’ve done a lot of work to get it. But understanding what my power is, and where that power comes from really helps me keep my perspective, and forces me to deeper levels of surrender. In this way, I can better work in harmony with God, and not try to resist the larger workings of the Universe.

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