Saturday, August 13, 2016

What's This About: An Introduction of Sorts

‘Sup Bitches Witches?!  So, what the hell is this Transcendental Witch blog about? That’s a good question, let me see if I can work it out.

I have other blogs and outlets for my spiritual and creative pursuits.  However, I’ve been feeling like one very important aspect of myself was kind of being neglected, or not honored properly, and that is my magical self.

You see, witching is not my religion. It is part of my spiritual path, and I am religious, but magic and witchcraft were what led me to find my spiritual path, and once I found it, I took a step back from practicing any craft to just focus on the new knowledge before me. And that was awesome and cool and I have no regrets, but I’ve been in a place where I could bring my magical practices back into my life, better informed and way stronger than ever before, because I had finally developed a relationship with my patron deities and approached them in the appropriate way. Now, I’m able to use my magical interests and abilities to further deepen my connection. My path is one that seeks to transcend the mundane, and my craft helps me to do that. 

I’m a Hare Krishna. You probably haven’t heard of a witch who was a Hare Krishna before. I’m not surprised. I am definitely not a normal Hare Krishna, and I would never consider myself to be an example of what a Hare Krishna should be. There is a very strong lineage of knowledge and rituals and ways of being a Hare Krishna that has been handed down through gurus for thousands of years. That is sacred and I respect that. I don’t have a guru, I am not initiated. I took on a spiritual name myself, because I don’t know if I will ever have a guru. And because I don’t have an earthly guru and am not initiated, there are some who would consider me less serious, fringy, or a heretic. I can understand their point and would never argue with them. They’re not wrong (except about how seriously I actually do take my spiritual life.) Spiritual life is very difficult, and that is why certain rules exist to keep people on the path. For them, my way would be totally wrong. I have tried temple life, and I didn't fit there any more than other devotees would feel comfortable casting a circle. So I keep quiet about my witchiness in devotee circles out of respect for those people. I do not want to offend, and I feel no need to argue.

I am a witch and a Hare Krishna, and after years of meditation and prayer and worrying that I’m doing something wrong, I’ve finally come to accept that I can be both and that is the right path for me, because I am a single, individual soul with my own, personal relationship with The Divine. My heart brought me to Krishna, and I trust it to lead the way. Besides, there is, actually, a LOT of overlap in the rituals.

So this blog is a space where I can express who I am and what I have to offer to the world in a more honest way. Although there is judgementalism in the world of witches just as there is in any other group, I find magical communities to be, on the whole, very accepting of individual eccentricities even when there is disagreement. And I think I need that right now. I have been withdrawn from the world for a long time, and I feel like it’s time for me to connect to it again.

My life has always been a mixture of cultures and traditions, and I dovetail those things with devotion. I see magic as a way for me to connect with God, to interact with the world in a positive way, and to focus my energies. Because of that, I don’t see it as separate from my spiritual path, but deeply ingrained.  :)

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